Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pat's Bone Marrow Donor Celebration

Pat was recently invited to the Lone Star Circle of Life Celebration at Grapevine. This event was to honor those who had donated bone marrow or organs to others. The bike riders are a group of people who volunteer their time and efforts to honor donors and spread the word to others about becoming a donor.
The guy who was riding to honor Pat was Kenneth Morales. Their group rides all over Texas. The next day they were biking to Waco.

Pat's mom; Joy Mercer and sister; Shari Wright came to join the celebration and see what it was all about.


Pat did a great job speaking about his experience as a bone marrow stem cell donor. He did this last September (2007).

Afterwards, Joy, Pat and I had dinner at PF Chang's, a first for me and it was great!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Surprise!

Well, for those of you who thought baby bunnies were only born in the spring.........

Our dog actually had one of these precious babies in her mouth when Pat noticed and yelled at her and she dropped it. He came and brought it to show Anjolee, Mckenzee and I. We then went out to try and find the nest. We found a shallow hole and put it in and somehow it didn't seem quite right; there should be other bunnies right? Then Mckenzee came trailing along and stepped right on top of the poor thing. I instantly grabbed her up and squealed at the same time which scared her tears.
I picked the abused bunny back up and continued to look for it's nest. We found it a few yards away right next to the frame of the compost heap.
Tucked tightly in the small hole were three other bunnies. I put him in and they all started climbing out!
This one is really stretching and I suppose he was hoping to find his mother.
Watch the video. They are soooooo cute!

We checked on them for several days and they are all doing just fine!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Welcome To My Blog

Well, just thought I'd really shock you all. My daughter Anjolee has been trying to get me to start a blog for a long while now. I guess I just can't imagine that anyone would really care to take the time to read about or be interested in my daily events but it would be a great journal for my family later if nothing else. I love scrapbooking and I've kept a diary for most of my life so ...I'm going to give it a try! ~ Debbie